Sunday 15 April 2012

Italian Breakfast at Mommy's

Paris-Treviso-Udine: I'm back in Italy! At my Mom's!!!

The weather is crappy but I don't care as long as I can spend my days with those I love.

After having slept like a baby (9 hours!) I went in the kitchen and discovered a nice surprise: Galletti Cookies and Banana Yogurt! That's what I used to eat when I was a kid! Now I don't drink Vanilla Tea for breakfast anymore, I need my huge cup of black coffee to start the day but it was still a pleasure to let melt on the mouth the Galletti and enjoy the regressive smell and taste of the sweet Banana Yogurt.

My mother knows what I like more than everyone else: look at the cute table cloth! I love it!  Everything tastes better when you take extra care of the presentation :)

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