Friday 30 March 2012

La Délicieuse Crème au Beurre

(Buttercream frosting by Call Me Cook)

I LOVE BUTTERCREAM! That's what I should write on my door, hoping that my neighbor (an Italian chef!) gets the message and shows up one day with a huge layered cake (or even a small one...) made of sponge cake and buttercream!

 I discovered that in the States, Canada and UK it's still a popular ingredient for cakes, cupcakes, angel cakes, etc etc, both for decoration, icing and filling. Here in France it was very popular too, especially around Christmas time because of the traditional "Bûche de Noël", a sponge roll filled and iced with buttercream (usually flavored with chocolate, vanilla, coffee or praline) and shaped like a branch. But now it's really hard to find a pastry shop selling desserts containing buttercream: people don't like it anymore (sigh...). Parisians consider it too rich and fat (ok, maybe they are right but it's also SO DELICIOUS!) so they replaced it with chantilly, crème patissière, crème fouettée... which are all as fat,  rich and artery-clogging as the buttercream but hey, there is no B-word in their name! (B... for "butter", not for "butt", or "big butt"!!!).
After 4 years I've been living in this city I've realized that here everyone is obsessed by his appearance, health and well-being. The result is that everyone is so STRESSED that could get an heart attack in his 30s despite doing everything to avoid it (like giving up in buttercream!).

Seriously, would you ever do that?
I'd never do that!
I'd rather die in my 30s of an heart attack because I've indulged too much than because I've stressed too much to be in great shape! At least I'd die happy! That's what my Gramma used to tell me all the time and we all know that Grammas are waaaaay wiser than everyone else! (BTW, she died in her 90s, skinny, right after having climbed up on a ladder to go pick up pears! In her 90s!).

Since here in Paris I can't make my own buttercream I had to find it somewhere else.
And I did!

This cacher pastry shop sells many different kinds of cakes iced, filled and/or decorated with buttercream. They are "BUTTERLICIOUS"! I've tried a couple of them and the one I like the most is called "Pyramide" (you can see it in the pictures).

"Pyramide" (La Délicieuse)

The bakery is in the Marais and has only a couple of tables. But if you can't find a place to sit, you can always bring your buttercream cake to Place de Vosges (which is not so far away, really!) and enjoy it on a bench under a tree.

2, rue des Commines
75003 Paris

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