Sunday, 25 March 2012

Sunday morning smells of... cookies!

Good morning every one!

Here in Paris it's sunny and it seems that the temperature will go up to 20C again today, I love days like these!
I woke up late today (9:44 am!) but still I wanted to make something special for breakfast. I love cookies, especially home-made cookies, their delicious smell spreads in the whole house making me imagine that Iive in the Christmas Cookie House that I used to make with my Mom and Gramma when I was a kid. 
I like both crispy and chewy cookies, even though the crispy ones are my favorites (maybe because I'm still not very good in making the chewy ones...). 
In Paris it's pretty hard to find bakery-shops selling "real" american cookies. I've tried plenty of them and usually they taste quite "artificial": overcooked, too thin... they are sablés with chocolate chips inside! Of course, there are some exceptions: the chain Millie's Cookies (M°Opera, Republique and Gare de Lyon) make veeeery good chewy cookies. Rose Bakery (30 rue Debelleyme, 75003 Paris) used to bake good cookies, now it has been a while I haven't been there and recently I have read some articles that made me think that probably things has changed. Then there is Adèle's Family. Personally, I love this place. Everything here is home made, you can see and taste it! The cookies don't look "perfect" (all the same size, perfectly round, etc etc) but their taste is perfect! More, Adele is always smiling and very kind, which make your "cookie-break" a real pleasure.

Here you can see 2 pictures of my cookies:
Choc'Chip Crunchy Cookies

If you have no time to go out to buy your cookies or to bake them you can find some brands at the grocery-shop (Monoprix, Carrefour, etc etc) that sell very good cookies. Some of my favorites are Pepperidge Farm, Michel et Augustin and Kate's Cakes. They are really good!

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